The challenge we all face at one time or another is to become free. You say, “How can this be a challenge? We all want to be free!” But my question for us to honestly answer is “do we”? Well I can’t think of any better way to describe it than this…it is unnatural for you and me to be in slavery of any kind. Since the severance of communion between The Father and His Children, humanity has been born into an unnatural environment that socializes the vulnerable into, what a college professor of mine would call non-living peoples, “pawns”. This socialization process is deadening to the soul, so much to the degree that Life/ freedom seems unnatural to the slave. The slave is even suspicious of such a thought.
The greatest tragedy is to exist without recognizing what has been done and what is continuing to happen. Over the past six years, I have undergone a de-socialization and HUMANizing process that has overwhelmed and energized my, unbeknownst to me, PERSON-hood. This search for Freedom began when I became aware of my vulnerable humanness. I decided at that point to live NATURALLY. Thus, I no longer wanted to be slave.
The remnant of enslaved pawn-existence is still noticeable in me. To be honest it is difficult to forget the patterns of old. But today is the new day, to take a step into unknown territories, where Freedom is closer and LIFE becomes the known reality I was made to live.