Friday, December 19, 2008

Taking Care of Each Other

I never thought I would say this (and mean it):

In God's economy redistribution of wealth is not limited to cash.

For many years, I have been passionate about encouraging the financially stable and very able to give out of their measurable and equitable abundance. However, over the past couple of months I have learned, as I have seen the people of faith come together, wealth is defined more by willingness and amount of talents intentionally contributed towards God's loving work.

The people of faith at the local church I am a part of are beginning to see the fruit and sense the fulfillment that comes from the giving of their unique self for the sake of another. From giving cash, creativity, organization skills, logic, encouragement and on and on...everyone is blessed inside and outside the community by giving the variety of wealth that exists due to God's graciousness.

I believe in and I have seen the beauty Christ's Church can be...She is radiant and the richest amongst them all.

(The Toy Store in the picture could not have happened without all the people giving something special...and I don't just mean gifts...)

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